From Duality to Unity

A poem and photographs
by Yao Feng - Rev. Yin Zhi Shakya


In the stillness and silence of what I call my place,
I thought I was alone.
So, I sang, and I danced, and I talked…
I thought I was alone.
Then I laughed, and I cried, and I prayed, and I implored…
I thought I was alone.
Then, I realized, "Alone? What's that?
Aren't you Me? Am I not you?"
Then, I wanted to sing, and dance, and talk, and laugh,
And cry, and pray, and implore…
But this time, all I could do was to LOVE…

   Photo by Yin Zhi Shakya

   Photo by Yin Zhi Shakya

Wishing you the Divine Peace,
Rev. Yin Zhi Shakya
Year 1999
Presented on March 2001

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